I do believe you
should use the internet to support student research. To do research there are
many sources that we can use, but the internet is an effective way to gain
knowledge about them. For example books in the library can be accessed through
the library database. To do student research the internet is useful when it
provides access to websites that end in “.org” or “.edu”. While doing student
research it is not useful when the sites aren’t reliable, because that makes it
difficult to properly cite the sources. I have searched for internet-based
resources using the search engine Google or Bing. When the results come back I
sort it by seeing how current the sources are.
I have gained
skills that require me to pay more attention to the small detail when looking
for things on the web. Before taking part in the web hunt initially I would
scurry past site only looking if it has keywords based on what I searched. Now
after doing a web hunt assignment I have learned that every website can
contribute to what a person searched.
Looking at the web address for reliability is a great first start to web source evaluation. (ex. edu, .org). Good idea.