Monday, October 19, 2015

6 Web Resource

The school is C.T Walker and it is a 6th grade English Language arts class. On the class page the teachers put a picture of seats in a classroom to let the audience know students are ready to learn. Then in the middle there is information about the class itself and what is expected of the students, and what they are going to gain from the classroom. It also talks about the genres of books the class will be reading and writing about, and the rubric in which they will be graded. As this paragraph continues it gives

tips on how student can do well in the classroom, and how to ensure they are performing the best they can academically. Next the teacher informs people who are reading the middle section that students will be working together because her class is a community building class. Lastly, it lists the steps that students will take in order to improve the writing that they have turned in to the teacher such as the multi-step writing process to develop, revise, evaluate, and improving their products. As a future educator I will be using technology in an educational way to promote learning efficiently and effectively. In this new millennium of technology there has been research that says most students depend on using technology daily, and I believe as educators we should use that to our advantage. Many social network sites such as Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and Snapchat have profiles that are educational as well, so as educators we could use at least one or two of these and create and educational hashtag or post so students could connect with other students across counties. In addition, one of the assignments could be posting using Facebook to post a status update instead of using a blog website. Technology is immense and not limited only to these site. There are also cool ways to incorporate ipads, iphones, stereos into the classroom it just depends on what type of class the teachers is teaching. For example if it is an science class students could learn about the radio waves of a beats pill. From the Web Resource Evaluation I learned how to create a web site on google sites and how to maneuver through google. Google is pretty complicated because it had so many widgets that you can choose from, but it was cool learning how to navigate through them. I did not like how complex it got at one point in the assignment, where I was trying to figure out how to reorder the homepage, evaluation page, etc. I don’t really think there are any improvements I just believe it should be more explicit instructions. 

1 comment:

  1. Very thorough description of the class website. It appears the teacher put a lot of effort into creating the site.
